Cookies are small files that are stored on your computer when you visit a website. On subsequent visits, these files are then returned to that website. Cookies allow us to automatically recognize you each time you visit our website, so that we can provide you with better services. We also use cookies (and similar browser components, such as Flash cookies) for fraud prevention and other purposes. If your web browser is set not to receive cookies from our website, then you will not be able to complete a purchase or take advantage of certain features of our website, such as saving items to your shopping cart or wishlist. Therefore, we recommend that you set your web browser to accept cookies from our website.


We use Google Analytics, a Google service to collect website usage statistics so that we can improve it. This service is completely anonymous and uses cookies. If you still do not want this, you can ask Google not to include you in its statistics at the page: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout


We use cookies on our page to store the products in your cart without having to create an account and to find them easily whenever you return to the page. We also use cookies for the products you choose to compare, as well as for personalized advertising. Everyone’s goal is your ease of use shoppingmania.gr